Diabetes is roughly divided into type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is a disease that occurs mostly in childhood and young people, the pancreas gland cannot produce insulin and one has to use insulin from the very beginning. Type 2 diabetes is a disease caused by the resistance of the pancreas gland to the insulin produced by the middle age and the inability of the body to use the insulin produced. 90% of all diabetics have type 2 diabetes, and 90% of type 2 diabetics are overweight and obese.
The treatment of type 1 diabetes is insulin. Treatment of type 2 diabetes is primarily lifestyle change, diet and medication. Metabolic surgery (surgery with diabetes) should be considered if diabetes cannot be controlled despite such treatments, if there is a need for insulin or organ damage has begun.
Metabolic surgery; laparoscopic (closed surgery) performed in the treatment of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, elevated cholesterol, hypertension, obesity, and the reduction of stomach and small intestine.
Metabolic surgery is performed laparocopically. Surgery is performed with five incisions with the smallest 0.5 cm and the largest 2 cm. Approximately 50% of the stomach is removed. The small intestines are relocated (the last part is brought to the head, the head is brought to the end).
With this surgery, one third of the food goes through the normal old way and two thirds of the food goes through the newly created way. Most of the food, which is not fully digested from the stomach and does not come into contact with pancreatic fluids, secretes the GLP-1 hormone when it comes directly to the last 2.5 meters of the small intestine. This hormone stimulates the secretion of insulin from the pancreas and increases the effectiveness of insulin in the tissues. Thus, type 2 diabetes is completely relieved by 90-95%. At the end of the first year, people lose 70-80% of their excess weight.
Obesity Treatment is divided into two: surgical and non-surgical treatments. The method is decided after a mutual discussion with an expert team and it guarantees to provide 24/7 support on all matters.
You can contact us 24/7 via our Whatsapp line about your pre- and post-operative questions, pricing and all other information you would like to receive.