Our aim after the surgery is to change the existing malnutrition habits and ensure that the person reaches her healthy weight. Especially in the first month, the diet that the person is accustomed to will change considerably. After the operation, there are 3 basic rules that a person should protect for a lifetime: Getting enough amount of correct fluid, getting enough protein and getting enough vitamins / minerals.
In this process, non-concentrated and gas-free soups without grains are started in the hospital for 4 meals. To increase the nutritional value, it should be enriched with chicken / meat broth. If desired, acid-free juice or non-grained compote can be consumed. At least 1 liter of water should be consumed per day. All liquids should be sugar-free, non-fizzy and decaffeinated.
Obesity Treatment is divided into two: surgical and non-surgical treatments. The method is decided after a mutual discussion with an expert team and it guarantees to provide 24/7 support on all matters.
You can contact us 24/7 via our Whatsapp line about your pre- and post-operative questions, pricing and all other information you would like to receive.