Obesity can be defined as abnormal and excessive accumulation of fat in the body fat tissues to the extent that it is harmful to health. The rate of body fat in men exceeds 20-25% and in women 25-30% is called obesity. A simple method of calculating obesity is the body mass index (BMI). BMI is the number of body weight divided by the square of the neck (kg / m2). BMI indicates obesity between 30-40 kg / m2 and morbid obesity above 40 kg / m2. Morbid obesity can be defined as obesity, which may cause additional diseases, which seriously affect health.
There are many factors among the causes of obesity. Excessive and inadequate eating habits and lack of physical activity are the most important ones. Genetic, age, gender, educational level, socio-cultural factors, psychological problems, hormonal and metabolic disorders,
number of births and time between births and some drugs used are among the other causes of obesity. As can be seen, the causes of obesity are quite diverse. Most of them are related to lifestyle. In order to treat obesity disease, first of all, the factor causing obesity should be determined and a treatment method should be applied accordingly. It should not be forgotten that obesity treatment is a personalized treatment.
Obesity causes many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea syndrome, asthma, musculoskeletal disorders and infertility.
It can also cause some types of cancers such as breast, large intestine, kidney, uterine and prostate cancer. In addition to physical diseases, obesity affects people negatively in psychosocial sense. Obese people live 20% less than normal weight people because of the chronic diseases that obesity bring about and affect life negatively.
With all these conditions, obesity has become a serious health problem nowadays. According to data from the World Health Organization, there are over 2 billion obese all over the world. The situation in our country is not very different. In adults over 18, 20% of men and 40% of women are obese.
In the treatment of obesity, there are primarily lifestyle changes, diet, sports and medication when necessary. If these applications do not work, surgery should be considered in suitable people who cannot lose weight.
Obesity surgery is performed for patients with BMI 40 and above, BMI between 35-40, with an additional disease caused by obesity, and BMI between 30-35 with diabetes or metabolic syndrome. In addition, obesity is at least three years, other methods (diet, sports, medicine, etc.) who can not permanently lose weight, hormonal disorders that cause obesity, non-alcohol and substance addicts, patients with acceptable surgical risk are suitable for these operations.
Obesity surgery methods are performed laparoscopically. Without a large incision in the abdomen, an average of 4 small diameter incisions are made and the operations are performed. Since the operations are laparoscopic, they have the advantages of less postoperative pain, early mobilization, very reduced breath problems and surgery site problems and early return to work. With obesity surgeries, patients get rid of their excess weight permanently and also accompanying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and sleep apnea syndrome improves in 60-95%
Today, the treatment of obesity is provided in very high standards. However, it is necessary to make a good patient selection for surgery. With an experienced team, obesity surgery results in minimum risk and maximum success.
Obesity is a disease that occurs as a result of excess fat accumulation in the body and must be treated. If you are 40 kg over your ideal weight or your Body Mass Index (BMI) value is over 30 kg/m2, you are in the obesity classification.
There are 4 main groups of methods in Obesity Surgery;
1-Stomach Volume Reducer
2-Inhibitor of Absorption
4-Different Mechanisms
The risks of obesity surgery are similar to the risks of any abdominal surgery. However, since the patient has overweight and often has comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes, etc.), anesthesia and the postoperative period are important.
Sagging may occur depending on the person’s body and skin type. Exercises performed after surgery are also very important in this sense. It is possible to prevent sagging with regular exercises. If the person complains about sagging, he or she can meet with our plastic surgeons 1 year after their weight remains stable.
All obese patients between the ages of 18 and 65 who have no obstacle to surgery or anesthesia can undergo surgery. People over the age of 65 should be evaluated separately. For patients under the age of 18, parental consent is required.
Obesity Treatment is divided into two: surgical and non-surgical treatments. The method is decided after a mutual discussion with an expert team and it guarantees to provide 24/7 support on all matters.
You can contact us 24/7 via our Whatsapp line about your pre- and post-operative questions, pricing and all other information you would like to receive.