Gastric sleeve surgery is a surgical procedure used in the treatment of obesity. During this procedure, most of the person’s stomach is surgically removed, leaving only a “tube” or “banana” shaped stomach. Because this new stomach has a smaller capacity, it helps the person to eat less and feel full faster.
Gastric sleeve surgery helps people struggling with obesity lose weight and reduces obesity-related health problems. It also reduces feelings of hunger and can help a person adopt a healthier lifestyle.
The surgery is performed under general anesthesia with a closed (laparoscopic) method. A thin needle is inserted into the abdomen and the abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas. A total of 3-4 trocars (cylinder-shaped instruments placed on the abdominal wall) are entered into the abdomen and the process is started by transferring the image to the screen with the help of a camera. During the surgery, the tube inserted from the mouth into the stomach is guided and the stomach is vertically stapled + cut and 75% of the stomach is removed. The operation takes approximately 20-40 minutes.
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Especially due to the absence of “ghrelin“, known as the appetite hormone secreted from the fundus part of the stomach, appetite decreases compared to before. Moreover, since the stomach volume decreases, one becomes full by eating less food and thus loses weight effectively and permanently.
There are many factors that affect weight loss in the postoperative period, such as age, gender, body mass, duration of obesity, and presence of additional disease.
10% of the initial weight is lost in the first month. The weight loss process continues up to 1-1.5 years. During this period, the patient loses approximately 80% of the excess weight.
Obesity Treatment is divided into two: surgical and non-surgical treatments. The method is decided after a mutual discussion with an expert team and it guarantees to provide 24/7 support on all matters.
You can contact us 24/7 via our Whatsapp line about your pre- and post-operative questions, pricing and all other information you would like to receive.