Gastric Bypass Surgery is a surgical procedure used to treat obesity. This surgery is performed to support weight loss in overweight or obese individuals and to improve obesity-related health problems. Gastric Bypass involves the process of shrinking the stomach and realigning the intestines.
Gastrik bypass is a surgical procedure that causes both restrictive and gastric dysfunction. In this operation, the abdomen is entered with a thin needle and the abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide gas. A total of 5 trocars (cylindrical instruments inserted into the abdominal wall) are entered into the abdomen and the image is transferred to the screen with the help of a camera. A small stomach of about 30 ml is formed at the stomach entrance. The small intestine is cut at 50 cm and the continuation is sutured to the formed small stomach. The small intestine that brings bile is about 150 cm. sutured to the small intestine forward.
Less food will be taken as the stomach volume decreases, as well as some of the small intestines will be impaired absorption will lead to effective and permanent weight loss.
There are many factors that affect weight loss in the postoperative period, such as age, gender, body mass, duration of obesity, and presence of additional disease.
10% of the initial weight is lost in the first month. The weight loss process continues up to 1-1.5 years. During this period, the patient loses approximately 80% of the excess weight.
Obesity Treatment is divided into two: surgical and non-surgical treatments. The method is decided after a mutual discussion with an expert team and it guarantees to provide 24/7 support on all matters.
You can contact us 24/7 via our Whatsapp line about your pre- and post-operative questions, pricing and all other information you would like to receive.